Jouve Villard, serving in the 10th Chasseur battalion in the decisive Battle of Solferino on 24 June 1859
Los 4147
ITALY. Sardegna (Regno). Vittorio Emanuele II, 1849-1861. Medal 1859 (Silver, 33 mm, 18.43 g, 12 h), for Military Valor. By G. Ferraris, Paris or Torino (Turin). AL VALORE - MILITARE / F•G Crowned coat of arms within wreath. Rev. GUERRE D'ITALIE / 1859 // JOUVE VILLARD / F.A. / M.D.L.C / 10 E CH. Wreath. Brambilla 317 var. Beautiful iridescent toning. Some marks and tiny edge nicks, otherwise, very fine.

The Medaglia al Valore Militare ('Silver Medal for Military Valor') was established by King Carlo Alberto of Sardinia in 1833. This particular variant was awarded to French troops during the Second Italian War of Independence in 1859, a significant conflict in the Italian unification movement known as the Risorgimento. The recipient of this distinguished medal, Jouve Villard, served in the 10th Chasseur battalion, which played a pivotal role in the decisive Battle of Solferino on 24 June 1859.
75 CHF
180 CHF
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